What changes in your body with pregnancy?

If you have ever been through pregnancy you’ll know there are a myriad of changes that the body goes through right from the start. Just some of them are:

  • Breathing and heart rate increase

  • Volume of blood around the body increases

  • Joint laxity increases as does pressure with weight gain

  • Postural changes with weight gain

  • Organs move to accomodate the growing feotus

  • Muscles such as the rectus abdominus separate to make space

  • Hormonal changes

  • Nutrient requirements

Much as we would expect and demand adaptations in our exercise during pregnancy, so too should we during the “early”postnatal period also. The body takes time to shift into a new normal through sleep deprivation and some of the biggest hormonal changes a woman will ever experience. These hormonal changes can also continue if the woman breastfeeds and when she stops.

This list doesn’t include the mental challenges that pregnancy can bring including anxiety, depression and mood swings to name but a few.

In other words, the body goes through so much - we must take care of it and be in awe of all that it can achieve.


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9 months pre-natal and 9 months post-natal